Soprano Laser Hair Removal

Getting rid of unwanted hair is an age-old issue, with MOII Alma Soprano Laser hair removal method uses groundbreaking technology to offer a simple, one-stop solution for truly effective hair removal. This treatment’s unique gradual heating method effectively damages the hair follicles while avoiding injury to the surrounding skin. The sweeping in-motion delivery technique keeps the laser in constant motion ensuring full coverage.

What is Soprano Laser Hair Removal?

The platinum edition combines 3 laser wavelengths into a single innovative hand piece simultaneously targeting different tissue depth as well as anatomical structure within the hair follicle, by combining the absorption and penetration levels of 3 different wavelengths , along with the treatment coverage, comfort and low maintenance of diode lasers Soprano Ice Platinum achieve the safest and most comprehensive hair removal treatment. 

Which area that can do Soprano Laser Hair Removal?

  • Areola 
  • Belly Button 
  • Chin and Upper Lips 
  • Full Face 
  • Under Arms 
  • Bikini Lines 
  • Half Arms 
  • Brazilian 
  • Male Chest 
  • Male Back 
  • Back Neck 
  • Stomach 
  • Full Arms 
  • Half Legs 
  • Full Legs 
  • Full Body

How many times should i do Laser Hair Removal?

Talking about the session, it all depends on your hair metabolism because every client has a different metabolism. We recommend doing 4 – 6 sessions per area. The interval time between sessions is 2 – 3 weeks per session.

What to expect from Laser Hair Removal?

Laser hair removal usually requires 4 to 6 treatments, the Interval between treatments will vary depending on the treated areas. The treatment might be repeated in 2 – 3 weeks. Laser hair removal helps to slow your hair to growth, so you don’t have to shave every week. Each session will have a progress to the length of your hair growth, and it will be longer when you consistently do the laser treatment.

Is it safe?

MOII Alma Soprano Laser Hair Removal considers safety first. Soprano incorporates SHR technology, the only clinically proven laser hair removal method that is virtually painless and also the safest for all skin types, including dark tones. Its unique gradual heating and single pulse delivery methods effectively damages the hair follicle and delays re-growth, while preventing injury to the surrounding tissue. 

This treatment can be performed anytime of the year and works very well on tanned skin, as we all know special in BALI, we love to get tanned skin.

Post-treatment Soprano Laser Hair Removal

After do a laser treatment : 

  • Do not sunbath for at least 3 – 4 days
  • Don’t do waxing 
  • If you have irritation around the treated area, let MOII Admin knows we will prepare a cream for you

This treatment can be performed anytime of the year and works very well on tanned skin, as we all know special in BALI, we love to get tanned skin.


Fill in the gaps in your face with derma filler injections from MOII Aesthetic Clinic to look more youthful and firm. Fillers work by puffing or plumping up hollow, creased, or sagging facial areas. The Derma Filler effectively smoothes lines on your nose and corners of your mouth while also plumping your lips and cheekbones.

What are Dermal Filler?

Dermal fillers help to reduce facial lines while also restoring volume and fullness to the face. Our faces naturally lose subcutaneous fat as we age. Because the facial muscles are now working closer to the skin’s surface, smile lines and crow’s feet become more visible. The skin on the face also stretches slightly. Other factors that affect the facial skin, such as sun exposure, heredity, and lifestyle, contribute to this loss of facial volume.

What Dermal Filler can do ?

Did you know that after the age of 25, we lose approximately 1% of our collagen, causing our skin to sag and lose fat? Derma fillers can help to fill in the gaps in your skin.

  • Enhance shallow contours 
  • Softening facial creases and wrinkles
  • Improve the appearance of recessed scars 
  • Reconstruct contour deformities in the face 
  • Decrease or remove the shadow of the lower lids 
  • Plump, thin lips.

What Dermal Filler brand we used?

At MOII Aesthetic, we use high-quality and FDA-approved filler products from Restylane, Profhilo, and Radiesse.

This treatment effect lasts from 6–12 months or longer, depending on your overall lifestyle.

Is It safe?

Derma fillers are completely safe and have FDA approval. Derma hyaluronic acid fillers are strategically injected beneath the skin to replenish lost volume and improve facial symmetry in the cheeks, temples, lips, under the eyes, and nasolabial folds.

What should I do before getting Derma Fillers?

  • Avoid blood-thinning over-the-counter medications such as aspirin, Motrin, ibuprofen, and Aleve.
  • Alcohol should be avoided for 24 hours before the treatment.
  • Stop using anti-aging skincare products containing Tretinoin (Retin-A, Steivaa), Retinol, Retinoid, Glycolic Acid, or other exfoliating agents.
  • Avoid fillers if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or allergic to any ingredients. It is recommended to do a consultation before getting any filler treatment in Bali.
  • 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after filler injections, avoid dental procedures or cleanings.
  • Avoid the COVID vaccine. 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after a filler treatment.
  • Please be sure to share with us your current medications and supplements, and any history of allergies.


Post treatment Derma Filler Injection

  • Do not rub, touch, wash, or massage the treated area for 4 hours.
  • Avoid strenuous exercise for 24 hours after filler injections, as it can trigger bruising.
  • To avoid bruising, avoid blood thinners and alcoholic beverages for 24 to 48 hours after treatment.
  • Avoid intense heat on the day of treatment, including hot yoga, hot tubs, tanning, facials, or a massage the day of your filler treatment.
  • Sunscreen and makeup may be gently applied 90 minutes following injections 
  • You may have some redness or swelling the day of your procedure.
  • You may have some firmness (depending on the product used and the area injected).
  • If you experience any lumpiness in the implantation area, it can be gently massaged to help smooth this out. You should also avoid any facial massages or skin resurfacing until the area has healed fully.