
At one point, your skin was tight and smooth, but over time, stubborn issues like wrinkles, cellulite and sagging skin will begin to show. EXILIS ULTRA 360 will help you to get your youthful appearance back with no down time.


Exilis ultra 360 is a non-surgical and non-invasive skin tightening treatment. This device simultaneously applies two safe forms of energy: Radiofrequency and Ultrasound, with this technology works to tighten the skin and improve concerns on the body and face. In addition to skin tightening, Radiofrequency energy is often used to Body Contour, which is EXILIS ULTRA 360 can be used to lift, burn and shape any areas of concern.

How Does It Work?

EXILIS Ultra 360 controlled by Radiofrequency energy heats the deeper layers of your skin. This heat tells your body to create new collagen and elastin proteins while stimulating cell turnover. Ultrasound energy also facilitates the production of collagen, lifting and smoothing the tissue in the treatment area. This device alternates between warming and cooling temperatures, this approach protects your tissue and allows for a deeper treatment session. The temperature of your skin is controlled and monitored during the entire process, ensuring the highest level of safety.

How many sessions should I need?

Number of the sessions depends on the condition of your treated area. We recommend doing 4 – 6 sessions, from the first session it will be visible but it will improve by the following session and following weeks after the session finished, many people have the result improve over the next 3 months and can be enhanced with additional sessions . The best frequency is one treatment for 5 – 7 days aparts.

Quick Facts about Exilis Ultra 360

If you are looking to improve your appearance, Radiant and youthful. EXILIS Ultra 360 is a perfect choice for you. 

  • It is non-surgical and non-invasive 
  • Tightens and tones kin 
  • No down time 
  • The treatment can be repeated for the best cosmetic improvement