
EMSCULPT is a new device in body contouring. It is the first FDA-Cleared energy device approved to burn fat and build muscle mass.

This device contracts muscles beyond what is possible through voluntary effort, yielding better muscle tone and enhances fat reduction. With highly focused electromagnetic energy to the area, foring the muscles to contract to 100% and holding it there for up to 6 seconds. In response to these contractions, the muscle reconstructs itself, and fat cells in the area are eliminated.

How does EMSCULPT work?

EMSCULPT uses cutting-edge technology to tone your body and help eliminate fat. It uses electromagnetic energy to get the muscles to contract in the area you’re treating. Causing up to 20,000 muscle contractions in 30 minutes, EMSCULPT constricts muscle and targets fat loss by signalling fat cells in the area to break down their contents and release them.

What is the downtime for EMSCULPT Treatment?

Emsculpt is non-invasive and requires no recovery time. The treatment is a great option for you looking for a non-invasive treatment to build up your muscle mass and dissolve your fat cells because after the session you can directly do your daily activities.

Benefits getting Emsculpt treatment done

  • 19% reduction of Fat
  • 16% increase in muscle mass
  • 11% reduction in abdominal muscle separation (called Diastasis Recti)
  • 5 times increase in fat metabolism (Apoptotic index increased from 19% to 92% after treatment)
  • Visible lifting effects of buttocks

Does EMSCULPT hurt?

No, this treatment does not cause any pain or discomfort. You will feel a “Pulling” Sensation. And our beautician has total control of treatment intensity, so you will be treated at a level at your comfortable.

When will I see results?

You will begin to feel results immediately after treatment. These will be small changes, like posture improvement or decreased fatigue during exercise. Most clients are noticing the visible result around 3 months post-treatment and maintain the result with a maintenance plan. The result will continue to improve for up to six month.

How long will EMSCULPT Results last?

Doing EMSCULPT treatment is similar to working out. Once you work out and never back, those muscles will start to get loose but if you maintain, your muscle mass will improve. You will keep these results for six month to a year, with a healthy lifestyle of diet and regular exercise also will help you to keep your results last.